Clientii sunt prioritatea noastra. Si o spun chiar ei.

  • performanta
  • calitate
  • excelenta
Gabriel Tache - Country Sales Manager EATON

In a constantly changing world, we strive for one ambition: to bring energy to life. We love to find organizations with the same mindset and beliefs and we are proud to be Innova Engineering’s partners.

- Gabriel Tache - Country Sales Manager EATON

Marius Burlacu - Partner Account Manager, Power Quality Department EATON

It is a pleasure to work with the Innova Engineering team because we share many common values highly appreciated at EATON: resourcefulness, customer focus, and the ability to deliver the optimal solution for our clients’ needs. They have the expertise to design and build from scratch nationwide projects, making use of all the relevant best practices in the domain.

- Marius Burlacu - Partner Account Manager, Power Quality Department EATON

Yann Tanguy - Distribution Network Manager SDMO

Working with the Innova Engineering team has made us realize how fantastic they are. The team is constantly working on managing perfectly both our company’s needs and objectives, as well as our costumers’ too. Understanding the processes and our business model is their key focus, as they always provide a solution that ensures the best possible outcome for all the stakeholders.

- Yann Tanguy - Distribution Network Manager SDMO

Denis Calves - Project Sales Manager

It is a known fact that the Innova Engineering team is highly trained. But the most impressive thing about them is that they are always taking full responsibility for their actions, an increasingly rare attribute nowadays. Over the past few years, we have had a successful collaboration and a healthy business relationship. We definitely recommend them as a trustworthy partner.

- Denis Calves - Project Sales Manager

Traian-Alexandru Petric - National Sales Director Romania & Rep. Moldova Schneider Electric

Innova Engineering and Schneider have carried a valuable partnership and we always find the experience of working together a win-win collaboration. We are pleased to recommend the efficient way Innova Engineering works.

- Traian-Alexandru Petric - National Sales Director Romania & Rep. Moldova Schneider Electric

Oana Muscalu - Oana Muscalu EU Key Account Manager Schneider Electric

Innova Engineering is a trusted partner with whom we have successfully implemented numerous major projects. Their team has acquired a variety of certifications for most product lines in the APC by Schneider portfolio. We recommend this long-standing partner, who has proven over the years to fulfill all the requirements for a successful implementation of the large-scale projects.

- Oana Muscalu - Oana Muscalu EU Key Account Manager Schneider Electric

Adrian Coman - IT Infrastructure Manager FAN Courier

Expertiza tehnica si profesionalismul aratat de specialistii Synotech / Innova Engineering, alaturi de calitatea exceptionala a echipamentului furnizat pentru proiect reprezintă baza unei colaborari pe termen lung. Suntem incantati sa recomandăm Synotech/Innova Engineering oricui cauta cele mai bune servicii si rezultate.

- Adrian Coman - IT Infrastructure Manager FAN Courier

Bogdan Andreescu - Technical Director PRO TV

PRO TV stands out as the leader in the broadcasting industry in Romania, so I expect nothing less from our partners. Therefore, Innova Engineering stood up to that level and our new MCR meets any technological hurdles that might arise. The television industry is a very dynamic one, technologically speaking – new challenges pop-up every day. Nonetheless, I am confident that with Innova by our side we’ll be able to develop even more successful projects in the future.

- Bogdan Andreescu - Technical Director PRO TV


Stiri si Informatii

Innova Engineering – un impact pozitiv asupra comunității

Echipa Innova Engineering participă cu bucurie la activitățile din comunitatea locală și se implică oricând este nevoie. Scopul nostru este de a aduce beneficii concrete și de a oferi o mână de ajutor celor cu care trăim și muncim. Am crescut de la an la an la nivelul de implicare în comunitate și ne-am creat […]

Advancing digital transformation in the Middle East and Africa with modular data centers

Explore our cutting-edge modular data center solutions tailored for enterprises in the Middle East and Africa. Drive digital transformation with quick deployment, unparalleled scalability, and environmentally responsible operations.

Abonati-va la canalul nostru

Innova Engineering este o companie specializata in proiectarea, planificarea, ingineria, constructia, intretinerea si gestionarea centrelor de date si a camerelor tehnice si de control, atat din punct de vedere al amplasarii, cat si din perspectiva IT.
